Pete and Bev Caruso love to help folks understand the scriptures and ways of God.
They have established and pastored two churches for a total of 35 years. They have three children, all of whom have done short-term missionary work.
In their first pastorate they established a Christian school where faculty and staff explored together the best ways to train young lives. During daily faculty meetings they developed a curriculum which became the popular handbook, Developing Godly Character in Children, now in its sixth edition.
The Carusos’ love of people has taken them to minister in over forty countries. They’re best known for their messages on Biblical principles, victorious Christian living, and relationship issues.
They share from their own rich relationship, with humor and candor, bringing encouragement and healing to many.
You can get a glimpse of the Carusos’ love for one another and their Lord by reading their books.
God has honored the Carusos by taking them to 45 countries to ministers His Word. He’s given them a variety of ways to serve Him during their sunset years. They have no intention of slowing down until forced to. Sharing the Word is what powers their engines. Nothing brings them more joy than to see others applying God’s Word to their lives.