Pete and Bev Caruso love to help folks understand the scriptures and ways of God.
They have established and pastored two churches for a total of 35 years. The Carusos’ love of people has taken them to minister in over forty countries. They’re best known for their messages on Biblical principles, victorious Christian living, and relationship issues.
They share from their own rich relationship, with humor and candor, bringing encouragement and healing to many.
Hello Pete and Bev:
I am a friend from many years ago and am happy you are still in ministry. You might remember me under a different last name. Because of Biblical reasons, I divorced in 2000. As of November 2016, my name is now Bonnie Hahn and I couldn’t be happier. I would love to reconnect with you two. Specifically there was a young man who had a miraculous healing who came to your home in Orange, CA and hope you still have contact with him. My husband is a pastor and we would like to invite him to our church. Blessings to you two!
Pete do you still claim to be a prophet? You’re a false prophet.
I truly hope that the both of you have truly found the Lord Jesus Christ, and the both of you have repented of all the lies the both of you were teaching to the church.
How about that crazy discipleship teaching that you and your misses taught ( where no one could make any decisions on their own unless their church leaders said it was okay!! I always told my sister you were off base in your teaching. Your church became an cult. Jim Jones teaching.
Are you the same people that pastor olive assembly of God, orange, CA? If you are remember when you gave that FALSE prophecy. It was during the Los Angeles Olympics (80s) that there was going to be a major earthquake!!! FALSE!!! NO EARTHQUAKE!! And all the other false things you taught people.
I would love to get more information about your ranch, please email or call 705 791-9188
I live in Ontario, Canada
thank you MC