I was asked by a bride-to-be to recommend a gift that she, the bride, could give to her mother on her wedding day. As a great-grandmother now myself, who recently buried my own mother after caring for her for five years, the ideas came easy. I’d just finished going through Mom’s things and distributed them to various family members.
Here is my response:
What a wonderful daughter you are, to think of your mother on YOUR special day.
Some things to consider:
Words—if you have any inclination to put words on paper, a rambling reminiscence of your growing up years—especially times the two of you spent together, would be cherished by her.
Or perhaps a list of the ten most important things you learned from her, especially things you picked up ‘by osmosis,’ without her even trying to teach you.
Something homemade—something that she would encounter every day, like a small pillow to rest against her own pillow, made of fabrics special to her (perhaps your christening or graduation dress) embroidered with words of love.
A picture album of shots of the two of you, together with notes under each, telling what those occasions meant to you.
You may realize by now that I haven’t suggested anything that you just go out and buy for her. As nice as that would be, something you have put yourself into would be so very much more meaningful. It doesn’t have to cost much, or even anything—except your time, love, and creativity.
Don’t be concerned about it being perfect, or even that it’s done with skill. Remember, moms love to put their little kid’s artwork on the fridge. So Your Mom will cherish anything you have put yourself into with a heart of love.
Bless you and your marriage—and of course the Mother who raised you.
© Beverly Caruso