Writing Credits

Bev is a preacher’s wife, a Bible teacher and author, who has ministered in over forty countries. She has trained writers from twenty-five nations, in Switzerland, Denmark, Greece, Brazil, New Zealand, Canada, and the United States.

Her Published Books Include: 

Keeping It Fresh – A Love that Keeps on Growing, (Co-Authored with her husband, Pete) a book based on the materials covered in their Marriage Enrichment Seminars. Biblically-based principles; practical concepts; filled with examples & anecdotes from their own lives and pastoral ministry.

Tools for Improving Relationships, celebrate friendship and discover biblical principles that make relationships strong

Faith Builders from Around the World, stories from the lives of Christian workers in over ninety nations

Developing Godly Character in Children, a handbook for parents. Now in its sixth edition.

Making Your Husband Feel Loved, Chapter: “When Opposites Attract,” from Creation House Publishers.

Loving Confrontation, on Biblical Relationships, from Bethany House Publishers. Out of print.

A Church Learns to Get Along, an updated reprint of Loving Confrontation.

How to Get Your Writing into Print and Get It Read, step-by-step tips for writers.

Ministering with an Interpreter / Interpreting as Ministry, a pocket-sized handbook with tips for both the speaker and interpreter

Articles published in:

Discipleship Journal
Christian Communicator
Cross and Quill
Home School Digest
Mennonite Brethren Herald
Charisma/Christian Life
Orange County Register
Publications in several countries
and more…

For several years, a monthly article carried by Assist News Service which provides articles to several hundred publications world-wide. See the Archives @ http://www.assistnews.net/

Columnist for:
Cross and Quill
Home Highlights
Proverbs 31 Homemaker

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