Others Say

“We have applied the marriage principles that Pete and Bev teach, to our married life together. They are simple yet life changing. We thank God for their teaching and experience on marriage. It is evident in our marriage that it works.” Pete and Donna Peterson

“Sometimes we are blessed with people whose marriage is so special, and secure, and happy, and successful, that it influences those around them.  It becomes an encouragement to others, an example to follow, and a blessing. Thank you for what you have let rub off on us and all those you touch.” Michael, David & Debbie. (from their grown children on the Caruso’s 40th wedding anniversary.)

“I commend the Carusos to you as spiritual leaders with effective ministries.” Dave Gustaveson, Youth With A Mission, California, USA

The Carusos “are a great couple you should get to know. Peter is especially gifted at working with pastors and is an excellent Bible teacher. Bev is an accomplished writer and an excellent speaker as well. Patty and I have known them for over 30 years and a more godly couple you will not meet.” Mark Murray, Orange, CA.

“I’ve seen the Carusos minister in many situations: churches, schools, small groups, crusades, radio, TV, one-on-one, — in the U.S., Asia, the Pacific Islands and Europe. Their lives and ministry are always a blessing.” David B. Hall, President, Across Int’l Ministries, Auckland, New Zealand.

“It has been our privilege to work closely with the Carusos for more than thirty years. Their honesty, transparency, and financial integrity is outstanding.”    Frank Hartman, Senior Accountant, Rockwell International (retired), and Joan Hartman, Owners, Hartman Bookkeeping & Tax Service, California, USA

“We’ve been privileged to collaborate with Beverly on Writers’ Seminars since 1991. To watch this gifted teacher in front of a class is to see the principle of servant-leadership in action. To watch her in one-on-one encounters is to see agape love in action.”  John and Elizabeth Sherrill, Co-authors: The Hiding Place, God’s Smuggler The Cross and the Switchblade.

“I have known Pete and Bev for more than 30 years. They are two of the most dedicated servants of Jesus that I know.” Janice Rogers, Director, Writer’s Training Schools, YWAM’s University of the Nations.

“I’ve prayed regularly with Pete for five years and have seen the consistency of his walk with God. He’s a man of integrity whose understanding of the practical outworking of scripture in daily life has blessed us.”     Jimmy Hartwell, D.Th., Pastor, Santa Ana, California.

You don’t know the influence you two have been in my life. There’s not a day goes by that I don’t think of the integrity and foundation of godliness I saw in your lives.” Stephanie Tucker, Austin, Texas. (Pete’s former secretary during the 1970-80s.)

People of all ages easily warm to [Pete and Bev’s] friendly and easy-going personalities. The depth of the understanding of scripture and its application to a believer’s life are evident in their teaching and preaching. They are really dedicated servants of Jesus and have a true pastor’s heart.” Enos Nolli, Italy

“Thank you…it is such a need these days to prepare ministers and their spouses for the rough and tumble, ongoing and ecstasy world of ministry. You have made a wonderful contribution to Vanguard and the Department of Church Ministries.”  Don Baldwin, Chairman, Church Ministries Department, Vanguard University, Costa Mesa, CA.

“Pete’s life has been a model of integrity, compassion and love for others. I often find myself drawing from the lessons learned from His example.” Michael Landig, President, Sunset Lighting Services, Anaheim, California, USA

“It was very encouraging to hear you speak at our parenting meeting. It was impressive to see three generations of godly teachers. I’d like to thank each of you for taking the time to share your ideas in helping us with our children’s godly character building.” Rita Schnepp, Director, Christian Covenant Homeschool Independent Support Group

We received “really positive feed-back from several of the participants. You gave them tools to work with and were very thorough in your teaching…. Next time you will have to teach a week’s writers seminar.”  Dorthe Stieper, coordinator, Denmark National Christian Writers’ Seminar

Thank you so much for giving your time and expertise this week. All you taught us Bev (in a writers’ workshop) was so useful, I know I’ll be referring to those notes constantly! You’ve broken it down to such do-able parts and inspired us in our calling.” Lisa Scroggins, New Zealand

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