
365 Daily Readings of

Faith Builders from Around the World

From the earliest days of Youth With A Mission (YWAM, pronounced Y-wam), I’ve enjoyed hearing the stories of its young evangelists. Each one seemed to be a faith builder, challenging me to trust God for the inbelievable.

In the past few years, many YWAM books have been published, yet numerous stories are still hidden in the hearts of thousands of YWAM workers – stories which continue to build the faith of those who hear them. You’ll find some of these stories and other nuggets of truth, as we journey together through this collection of readings.

The stories and devotions come from the everday lives of YWAMers; not just young people, but folks of all ages. We are part of denominations as varied as Anglican, Baptist, and Pentecostal; work places such as science labs, shepherd’s fields, and college classrooms; from places like Canada, the island of Tonga, European inner cites, Asian rice paddies, and Amazon villages. We share in common our love for Jesus and a desire to make Him known to others.

Youth With A Mission has more than 7,000 permaent staff at 425 centers in 110 nations. Each year, an additional 15,000-20,000 are involved in short-term mission projects; many thousands more attend YWAM-related events.

Most of our contributors are not writers, but ordinary people, with something they’re learned from God to share with folks like you. You may find some of these accounts hard to believe. We’ve attempted to verify the facts. These are personal experiences, some without witnesses.

We’ll see many facets of God’s character throughout these pages: our guide, protector, teacher, healer, and much more. Often we’ll see Him as our provider. This is to be expected in a faith mission where each worker seeks God for his personal finances. A single thread seems to run throughout: when we take steps in obedience to God, He’s always there to meet us.

In any new ministry, mistakes are made. Lessons must be learned, usually the hard way – by experience. YWAM is still a relatively young mission. We still release young people into pioneer situations. We consist of young people – and old – who are “daring to live on the edge,” and trusting God for whatever seems necessary for the situation. We hope as we have grown, and become more structured (with properties, ships, a university, etc.) we will never lose that sense of daring. We want to remain a people of daily faith.

We hope your faith will be challenged and that you’ll find these stories and devotions to be faith builders. Over 80 nations are represented in the 365 undated devotionals. They are truly:

Bev Caruso, Senior Editor

Devotionals can be read online at

To learn more about the international, interdenominational, missions group Youth With A Mission (YWAM), visit:

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