God’s Ideal Woman

Adapted from Proverbs 31:10-31

Can a man find an honorable and commendable wife?  She is far more precious to him than wealth or status.  He can trust confidently in her.  She will so satisfy him, he will have no longing to turn to another.  She will be an asset to him socially, spiritually and vocationally.

She is a diligent worker at home and in her career.  She shops wisely, looking for quality products she can afford.  Early each morning she spends time alone with God, then plans the day’s tasks for herself and her children.

She is frugal with her time and energy, evaluating her current obligations before committing herself to new areas of responsibility.  Through physical exercise she maintains fitness; through mental and spiritual discipline she gains wisdom to do all required of her.

Because she first takes care of her own household, frequently evaluating the results of her efforts, she is able to provide not only for her own family, but also share food and clothing for those in need.  Her home is decorated with loving care, providing a haven for her family and guests.

With her many responsibilities, she still remembers she is first a homemaker.  She is confident and fit, looking forward to the future.  Drawing upon her relationship with God, she speaks only words of kindness, instruction and healing.

Mindful that idleness encourages discontent, she disciplines her mind and spirit, even when providing rest and recreation for her body.

She knows that while her children are still young they are by nature self-centered; but that one day they will express their love and admiration for her.

Her husband also, will speak words of praise, “Compared to all the women of acclaim and renown, you my dear, are the loveliest of all.  Though your outward beauty may one day fade, the radiance created by your love and devotion to God will shine forever.  Any thinking person can see the fruitfulness of your life.  And any one of worth can see your glory.”

© Beverly Caruso

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