Our Home In North Texas

We’re excited about this new phase of God’s leading in our lives. Texas!

After several decades in Orange County, California, we lived for 15 years in the Temecula/Elsinore Valley of Southern California, ten of those overseeing a Hospitality Center which housed scores of missionaries from every part of the world. In addition we continued to preach and teach in several dozen countries.

Now we’re living a few miles west of Sanger, Texas, which is about 20 minutes north of Denton and an hour north of Dallas. We’ve been here two years now and are beginning to feel like Texans.

Sanger is a small town of about 7,000. The climate is hot and somewhat humid about 8 months of the year. It can get quite cold for about two months. In fact, a recent winter brought a good bit of snow. And our first spring brought the wettest May in Texas history, and Texas’ third wettest month ever.

Our granddaughter and her family invited us and her parents (our daughter and son-in-law) to join them in Denton County, Texas, about an hour north of Dallas/Forth Worth Airport. We made the move in late May of 2014.

Our dream includes: four generations living, working and ministering together – eventually in three separate homes – on the same property. We are combining our experience, training, giftings, and skill sets to offer the Body of Christ a model of an extended family who loves God, loves people, and loves to be together.

Kaira & bouquetThe two youngest generations: Kate, Brandon and Kaira Larson

Graham in prayer garden

This precious boy became a part of the Larson family last year.

Brandon and Kate have ministered separately and together in other countries, and as a couple in Colorado Springs and Missouri. Kate owned a pre-school in Missouri. Brandon serves as assistant to C. Peter Wagner and his international ministry. Both Brandon and Kate love to teach and mentor others. Brandon is an entrepreneur as well as a gifted teacher.

Dean and Deb @ Creek

The middle generation, Dean and Debbie Peterson.

The Petersons have been married for 39 years, have three children and 12 grandchildren! Dean is a contractor/carpenter who loves the process of vocational discipleship. Debbie homeschooled their children through high school. She taught at state-wide homeschool conventions, and has directed up to 50 children in dramas. For ten years she taught in a public charter school classroom. She served as director of children’s ministries in their local church. She loves being on a worship team.

cropped-cropped-P-B-laughing43.jpgPete and Bev Caruso

The Carusos have been married for 58 years, have 3 children, 8 grandchildren, and 12 greats. They pioneered and pastored two churches for a total of 35 years. They’ve also ministered in 45 countries. Their Marriage Enrichment Seminars have strengthened couples in many countries and cultures. They have authored several books. Bev loves teaching others to write to their own people, in their own language, using stories from their own culture. Pete loves to preach the Word, encouraging others to reach the lost and expect God to honor His Word with signs following. His heart-cry is to see pastors of a given geographic area learn to trust, love and encourage one another, and lead their congregations to reach their community for Christ.

Our long-term dream/plans include hospitality housing for those in ministry (as we did in California), raising pastured chickens & turkeys, perhaps a milk cow or goats, growing vegetables, fruits and berries for ourselves and others. We are open to do whatever else God plans for us. We’re excited to get settled and see what He unfolds for our future.

Our Home – Double Portion Ranch

This will become the Larson family's home. The Carusos and Petersons will build houses - hopefully by the end of 2013.

This is the Larson family’s home. The Carusos and Petersons will eventually build homes. Both couples are currently living in 5th wheels on the Ranch..

homePart of the pecan/oak orchard behind the house.

Dean, Daniel, Katie in Creek bedClear Creek crosses the back corner of the property. Most of the time it’s just a trickle. Sometimes it has flooded its 15 foot high banks.

Besides the four generations Double Portion Ranch is home to chickens, horses, llamas, alpacas, a mini donkey, pigs, a goat, Great Pyrenees guard dogs and other family dogs, a barn cat and a house cat, and part of each year, a herd of cattle belonging to our neighbor.

We’re blessed beyond words, and so honored, that God has led us into this new venture with part of our extended family. Some have called us Abraham and Sarah – heading into new territory – when we’re both in our 70s.

As with any new ministry, we need prayer for: God’s wisdom, direction, favor, and His provision in the development of Double Portion Ranch.



2 responses to “Our Home In North Texas

  1. Hi Dean and Debbie.. this is Manuel and Brandy in Mexico!! Suprise!!!
    Was thinking about you guys and wanted to check in with you. What is the name of the area where you live in Texas? We’ve been watching and hearing a lot of good things about your Governor there. As you know Calif is not doing very well.. Anyway, we wanted to say ‘Hola’ from Mexico.
    Blessings to you and your family,

  2. Esther Staddon

    Hi! I have your book, “Developing Godly Character in Children” Thank you so much for the insight that you offer here! I was very impressed with the “Meet the Authors and Contributors” page and would very much like to talk to Mrs. Beverly Caruso, Mr. Ken Marks, or Mrs. Debbie Peterson! I too am writing a character curriculum and would benefit from hearing your processes for rounds of editing your work.

    How did the writing progress from being in the first draft to being ready for design? How many rounds of editing did it go through? Were these done on paper/Word/Google Docs or in personal meetings?

    I would very much appreciate having a phone conversation on the topic if you would be willing to give me a call. Thank you for considering this in the midst of all that God has called you to do.

  3. Louis Accardi

    Pete Caruso, was my pastor when he had Olive Assembly of God church in Orange, California. I was employed as a custodian at the time. I was there for a year and had to go into the army and ended up in the heat of the Vietnam War. when I was. I remember Pete taking the youth group to the beach and during the evening playing songs on the guitar around the beach’s campfire. Pete would take us to this Foursquare Church where there was a youth night on Tuesdays with kids from Teen Challenge. There a lot of youth from the Jesus People movement back than. Years later Pete and Bev came to Roswell, New Mexico to minister at Randy Grill’s church. He was a dear friend of mine for over 30 years even back then. In fact I have Beveraly’s book signed by her back then. Finding that book in my home library of over 3,000 books is what caused me to see if Pete was still alive. Low and behold I was sure happy to find out that this great soul is still around. Pete we love you and thank you for your constant faithfulness to the Lord all of these years.

  4. Philip Lundquist

    So many years since the brief time in 1970 when I visited your Olive Assembly church in Orange just before entering the Army. I actually remember the Sunday evening service four days before entering the military, in January 1971. Prety much beyond words here to see all that your family has experienced since then. Best wishes……….

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