Tools for Improving Relationships

 God's Gift of FriendshipThis book was recently rereleased under the new title: Tools for Improving Relationships

(New cover will be posted soon.)

Learn how to effectively communicate with those you love. Discover how differences can strengthen  relationships. Find out how to save a fractured  relationship. Learn practical ways to improve your relationships. Explore what it takes to move from acquaintance to a more intimate friendship.

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Tools for Improving Relationships is easy reading, yet so practical. Is there anything in our lives more important than relationships? Of course many will say, yes, our relationship with God. And so they merely underline the point, for the principles for one applies to the other. What matters most comes down to relationships. Yet most of us don’t do enough to sharpen our relationship skills. This book is filled with down to earth stories we can all relate to: tools, guidelines – principles any of us can apply at just about any age or status in life, to improve our interactions with others. DAVID B. HALL, Director, Missions Interlink, New Zealand’s Mission Networks

Beverly Caruso’s latest contribution to practical help for daily Christian living addresses the core of the Christian life: community. The inescapable placement of our lives in relationship with other Christians mandates that we learn how to live in such a way that we demonstrate – to each other and to the world – the difference Jesus makes. She tackles critical issues often neglected in our rush for a Sunday morning fix, from transparency to offences to listening to mentoring. This is a rich resource of succinctly set forth principles for us all. I highly recommend it for personal study as well as group reading and discussion. ROBERT BAYLEY, D.Min., a graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary, is a Minister of Word and Sacrament in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).

For over twenty years of pastoring, I’ve longed to have material that would assist me in helping our members learn to properly develop relationships. I knew before I had even finished reading the first chapter that this book will be mandatory reading for all of those who work on our Staff or in our Ministry of Helps at Beracah Faith Ministries International. I believe that this book is a launching pad for everyone developing relationships in any capacity. Every pastor, administrator and leader should make it required reading for all whom they lead.I wish I had read a book like this years agoBISHOP GLENN FRAZIER, Sr., Beracah Faith Ministries International, Wildomar, California

From Confusion – to Commitment this book has begun a change-process in how I look at Human Relationships. Dynamic in scope, and profound in its insights, Beverly Caruso’s book may prove seminal in historic importance for the field of Christian Communication. If you have longed for Working Principles in human relationships, this is the one volume you’ve been waiting for……nuggets of Biblically-based principles to help you through the fog of communication dynamics. Dr. George W. Linzey, Captain, Chaplain Corps, U.S. Navy (retired), Pastor, Lemon GroveCommunityChurch, San Diego, CA, USA

Independent Review:

Beverly Caruso’s “Tools for Improving Relationships” is a primer on the subject of making, keeping and even understanding friends. This book carefully explores the many benefits and challenges that friendship brings. Chapters include a wide range of relational topics such as, how to affirm another person, how to mentor and communication skills to name a few.

It is not a “zip through” read, but one to slowly consume with prayerful consideration. Each comprehensive chapter could stand-alone as a guide for a class or individual study. Taken together there is a fullness of teaching that is saturated with wisdom and solidly supported by interspersed scripture. Excerpts of poetry and insightful quotations add a light touch that make this a well-rounded book.

We as Christians often struggle with how to love one another as God called us to. “Friendships” offers sound advice on how to do this. To the person who truly desires to improve on relational skills and understand the groundwork of good friendships, this book provides a means to successfully reach that goal.

Clare Cartagena

 Retails for $14.95

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