God’s Ideal Man

Adapted from Ephesians 5:23-33; Genesis 18:19; I Peter 3:7; James 3:17

Can a woman find a loving and honorable husband?  He is more to be desired than wealth or successful career.  She will find purpose and fulfillment in their relationship.

His love for her is like Christ’s sacrificial love, putting her needs before his own.  Realizing he will never really understand his wife, he strives to have an understanding attitude toward her.  He makes it his life-long job to study her, aware that failing to do so hinders the effectiveness of his prayers.  His words bring comfort and healing to her spirit, shaping her character by their affirmation of her strengths.  He is attentive to her need for companionship, rest and personal fulfillment.  He protects and nurtures her as a cherished treasure.  He guards her against attacks from others and defends her from self-recrimination.

He works diligently at his career, knowing God rewards those who are faithful stewards.  He develops his God-given talents; continuing to learn and refine his skills for the benefit of others.  He is watchful for needs he can meet, careful not to seek recognition.

God showers blessings upon him for he prayerfully rules his household well.  He resorts neither to dictatorship – giving his family orders, nor spectatorship – being present but uninvolved.  Instead he carefully oversees the administration of his home.  He guards against allowing friends or relatives to hold priority over his friendship with his wife.

He makes his relationship with God his highest priority, above family and career.  He seeks to provide leadership filled with God’s wisdom.  His manner is gentle, courteous and peaceful.  By modeling the Father’s heart he sets the stage for his children’s relationship with their heavenly Father.  They know him as consistent – the same at home as before others.  He allows for discussion and is willing to yield to others.  He is full of mercy and good deeds.

One day his children will honor him, lauding his integrity and righteousness.  He will enjoy the character of his grandchildren, observing the multiplication of godliness.

Together with the wife of his youth he will savor the fruit of a life of devotion and friendship with God.

© Peter Caruso

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