Pete and Bev Caruso established and pastored two churches for a total of 35 years. In their first pastorate they established a Christian school where faculty and staff explored together the best ways to train young lives. During daily faculty meetings they developed a curriculum which became the popular handbook, Developing Godly Character in Children, now in its sixth edition. You can get a glimpse of the Carusos’ love for one another and their Lord by reading their books.
They’ve been married more than fifty years and have three children – all of whom have done short-term missionary work – eight grandchildren (one of those in Heaven), and a growing number of great-grandchildren.
They live in north Texas, but are available to minister anywhere God leads.
Those who know the Carusos best say that they are…
Partners in life and in ministry, Pete and Bev Caruso demonstrate the Christ-life in their relationships with their children and grandchildren and with those they have pastored and discipled into fruitfulness. “It is rare to see couples who love one another like you. Your happiness, your peace, and love are examples to me,” Carina, a student in Italy
Pete and Bev bring Christ’s teaching to life through first-hand accounts of Biblical principles being applied in everyday situations. Pete is often sought out for mentoring by other ministers. One wrote, “Your life has been a model of integrity, compassion and love for others. I often find myself drawing from lessons I’ve learned from your example.” Bev’s writing includes several books plus articles in Discipleship Journal, The Christian Communicator, Ministries Today, and others.
Pete and Bev pioneered and pastored two churches, established a Christian school, and helped start four other churches. They have ministered in 45 countries, speaking in churches of many denominations, universities, prisons, Youth With A Mission, Teen Challenge, etc. “You have made a wonderful contribution to SCC by determining to share your wisdom and experience with us,” Don Baldwin, Chairman, Department of Church Ministries, Vanguard University (formerly Southern California College).
Pete and Bev believe God has equipped them to inspire and help this generation to reconcile the lost to God, and to bring restoration within families and groups of believers. “Some people really stand out. You have made a permanent imprint on my mind and spirit because of the way you uniquely portray the Lord by the way you reflect Him in your actions and life,” Eric Olson.
Hi Pastor Pete I don’t know if you remember me my name is Richard Watkins my parents are Herbert Watkins and the late Beverly Watkins. I hope and pray that you and your family are doing well I was quite surprised when I stumbled across this website and found Pete and Beverly Caruso I was quite overwhelmed with joy you two have been serving the Lord for quite some time and I just couldn’t resist and take a moment to say hi. May the Lord continue to richly bless you.